South Dakota Trip - Day 6

The Wal-Mart didn't open until 7:30am. Mom & I made a list of food items we needed, while dad and the older boys tackled the starter problem. To their dismay, they realized that the wrong size part had been purchased the night before and they needed to bike to O'Reilly's and make the exchange.

Meanwhile, Martina & Elissa accompanied me on our grocery shopping expedition.

Its a strange feeling to only buy enough food for a few meals. I'm used to buying 3 or 4 gallons of milk at a time - not a half gallon. Yogurt? Only enough for breakfast 'cuz more than that won't fit in the fridge!

We finished our shopping and trekked out to the far end of the Wal-Mart parking lot where our motorhome was parked.

Dad and the boys were back.  Under the motorhome they were trying to replace the faulty starter.

Mom & I got breakfast for the little children and cleaned up all the bedding.

Finally the starter was changed, but the problem wasn't fixed. The stubborn beast of a motorhome didn't want to start.

After much banging on various parts of the engine and prayers of others, the engine finally fired.

Wall Drug was our next stop. We had been seeing Wall Drug signs for miles. My opinion is that the signs for Wall Drug are almost as nice as the popular tourist destination itself.

Back on the road, Dad wanted to find a mechanic. We've been getting good at searches for RV mechanics. Too good at those searches in my opinion:)

Dad pulled into a small town that claimed to have an RV mechanic. All the rest of us were excited to see a small ice cream shop across the street, as the AC wasn't working well again.

We were enjoying our ice cream treats while dad checked out the mechanic. They were already closed for the weekend; however they had a number you could call for help. The mechanic gave dad some directions to fix another part of the battery/wire/connection pieces.

If there are any mechanics reading this, I do apologize for any terminology that was not used correctly. If the repairman would have used words and phrases such as hypertension, myocardial infarction and diabetic ketoacidosis I would have understood the whole situation a whole lot better.

After dad visited the local hardware store, he joined us at the ice cream shop. 

After finishing our treats we piled back into the motorhome.

Around 9:15 we pulled into Welcome, Minnesota and found our campsite for the night.

I was glad they had a nice bathhouse. I only like living as a homeless, shower-less person for a few days.


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