South Dakota Trip - Day 1

After the shop closed Saturday afternoon, we packed a few last minute items and clambered into the motorhome. I was slightly alarmed at first as it was clear that the AC wasn't working, and temps in the Upper Mid-West were projected to climb into the 90°. 15 minutes later dad determined that it wasn't turned on properly. Whew, what a relief. If only this would have been the only automotive problems we had. But more to come on that later.

Just inside the Ohio line, we stopped for gas. We noticed a truck pulling a racecar, and several minutes later the racecar lady came over and gave us a bowl of candy leftover from a parade. Little hands eagerly reached into the bowl, quickly determining which was the best kind.

It continued to get dark and the scenery changed to trees illuminated by our headlights. One by one various family members fell asleep anywhere they could find room.

The last several miles before the truck stop were sponsored by Mtn Dew and trail mix.

We finally drove into a truck stop at 12:18. Dad and I got out to try and convince the generator that its virtues would make our trip much more comfortable. Nearly half an hour later the generator started working again and I climbed back into the motor home to sleep.

But well, first I would have to find somewhere to sleep. It seemed that every place I tried to step there was someone's arm, leg or precious creation that could not be crushed.

I finally succeeded in moving a few bodies around to make a spot for myself. Once I was situated, it became increasingly clear that I had not eaten anything substantial for a very long time.

Rooting through blankets and pillows I was able to locate the tub of party mix, but we had consumed alot of it earlier in the evening. Back passed the sleeping folks and mountains of bedding I went to the fridge. There I hit the jackpot: blueberries! No longer did it matter that I was sleeping wedged in a small space. I was eating blueberries (at 1:00am your humor can be a little silly).

To be continued at a later date, probably when I have decent WiFi.


  1. Fun, fun!
    I recently discovered your blog and am enjoying going through your posts. :)



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