South Dakota Trip - Day 2

When I woke up Sunday morning, we were on the road again.



And Iowa each welcomed us with their slogan.

I think dad was most impressed by Iowa's slogan - Land of the Giants.

We arrived at Dad's cousins place around 4:30.

We visited with them for awhile, and I had a shocking experience when I tried to enter the motorhome.

As I grabbed the doorhandle - ZAP!

Startled, I massaged my stinging hand, thinking I must have had some touched some static inducing the shock.

Determined not to let my fear of being zapped deny my entrance, I tried again.


Startled and annoyed by my incapability to open the door oh, I tried one more time with the same results - ZAP!

By this time I was thoroughly tired of being zapped so I went and found dad who was hooking up the electric.

"Dad, I can't get in the door," I said. "It shocks me everytime I try and open the door."

Dad came around the side and to my dismay open the door without getting Zapped. "What did you do?" I asked him. "Ummm, I just opened the door", he replied.

I got what I needed out of the motorhome and exited, determined yet to conquer that stubborn door.

My efforts were met with another zap.

Later in the evening I was able to determine that I would not get shocked if I stood on the step to touch the handle. Apparently I was grounded and received the shock because we were plugged into an electric hookup.

Then we went deer spotting.

We saw so many deer and we were told that 1.3 deer were hit every day in that county. Dad was nearly astounded. "We've seen more deer tonight then what we might see four or five times going spotting back in PA," he said.

After flipping the breaker couple times, we settled in for the night.

Day 2 of our trip was over.


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