Guest Post By Mom

Well, being the oldest, Mom has a list of funny things I did or said as a young child. Tonight, she decided to take me up on my standing offer of being a guest blogger and sharing a few memories. 
     Enjoy her perspective!

Since Kaylene’s last post was about Christmas, I thought I’d share a few stories from some Christmases when she was younger.

Kaylene’s first Christmas was 4 days after she was born. Her Grandpa Allgyer decided to introduce her to candy so he offered her a peppermint patty. We all laughed when she started smacking her lips at the smell.

Two years later, Kaylene was beginning to understand the Christmas story but with her own tweaks. In the weeks leading up to Christmas she played with a child’s nativity scene being sure to put baby “Jesusus nigh-nigh” and lay him face down in the manger.

As she grew in her comprehension and application of the story of Jesus birthshe would arrange the nativity scene so that the shepherds, the wisemen and Joseph and Mary would be in a circle surrounding Jesus.

Like most children, Kaylene enjoyed unwrapping her gifts. On one occasion she received a small gift from a grandparent that contained some candy and some cash. She took the wrapping (and the cash) to her dad and informed him that she didn’t want the trash while she held tightly to the candy.


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