I like taking pictures. Lots and lots of pictures. I have a stash of SD cards ranging anywhere from 4 to 16 gigabytes. And they are all pretty full. I have this habit of not emptying my cards until the very unhandy message flashes across the screen on my camera "Insufficient space on card". Grrr, and it always happens at the most inconvenient times. Then I sit at the computer and slowly determine the fate of each picture. Trash, file, or to-be-determined. The easiest ones are the photos that document the random, and sometimes mundane family functions of everyday life. Those go in the folder "2019". Talk about a generic folder name! The pictures that are blurry disappear in a moment by a few strokes on the keyboard.  Beep, de-dong! The "file" (aka trashcan) just gained another inhabitant.

         "Why do you have a picture of a half eaten cookie?" one of my younger siblings exclaims. That's weird."  

         Well thank you very much! I'm sitting here trying to decide the fate of this cookie with the bokeh background. It's just sooo cool!
         But mom doesn't want pictures of a cookie with a bite taken out of it in the family book, no matter how cool the bokeh background appears.

The "weird" cookie picture.
And isn't it neat to see tree moss up close like that?

A picture from one of our trips showed up while I was digging in the depths of an SD card. . .
And puppy pictures are just super cute to look at, as is the love a little boy is give one. . .

And then I have random pictures like this one. I had a post in mind, and this flower was such a great illustration, but when I sat down to actually write the post, all my thoughts took off with the breeze. . . . and they haven't been seen since. Hence, I want to hang on to the photo, in hope that the runaway blog post will one day return.

Someone sent me this little saying, and I thought it was kinda fitting.

Life is like a camera.
Just focus on what's important,
Capture the good times,
Develop from the negatives,
And if things don't work out...
Just take another shot.
         I'm sure I'm not the only person with documents or photos in random folders or jump drives. Do you have things you think "strange" lurking in your documents?


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