Going Camping

         It seems that some people have a whole list (some of them seem strange) ideas about large families.

        Large families drive maxi vans or old yellow school buses wherever they go; often they are homeschoolers ("those poor children! How do they ever get any social interaction"?!?! "Uh, hello. . .I DO have 7 siblings"!); the big piles of laundry; and the fact that everything is bought in bulk.

       Well, yes. I would say that I agree with most of those ideas. I drove our maxi van around, even the same day I got my permit; our whole family doesn't fit in any another vehicle we own.
       Yes, I completed 11 grades as a home-schooled student, but I feel that you can lack social skills even if you go to school.
        The piles of laundry are a realistic part of everyday life, if the piles are not kept after.
        Yes, we buy a lot of things in bulk; however, I have yet to see milk in Weis or L&L in a container larger than a gallon.

So what does it look like when we go away on a trip?

This evening, we are leaving for a few days of camping.

The packing started this morning.

Note: This IS NOT what it looked like when all of the belongings had been carefully stowed away.

Check back in a few days; I'll try to post some pictures then.

Have a great week!


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