Camping Trip

I promised you pictures, and if I don't do them now, you might not see them for a very long time. . . 

       According to Wikipedia,
 "Camping is an outdoor activity involving overnight stays away from  home in a shelter, such as a tent. Typically participants leave developed areas to spend time outdoors in more natural ones in pursuit of activities providing them enjoyment. To be regarded as "camping" a minimum of one night is spent outdoors, distinguishing it from day-tripping, picnicking, and other similarly short-term recreational activities. Camping can be enjoyed through all four seasons."
 So, that is one idea.

Tuesday evening, we got to Little Buffalo State Park, and started setting up camp.

I had found some recipes for a dutch oven campfire cooking, and decided to try them out. (I now have a new appreciation for our modern stoves.)

They ate it, it must have been ok.
Quiet Time was supposed to be from 10pm - 8am. About 2:00am, some of us were rudely awakened to find that another party was taking up residence in the campgrounds. After they got themselves settled down, silence reigned until 4:30. The garbage truck came to dump the 2 dumpsters only 200yards away. By the way it sounded, there could have been 5 dumpsters being dumped for all the noise they were making. Most of us were up and awake before 5:00, thanks to the campsite alarm, aka, the garbage truck.

Dad thought the bacon was good!
 Then we did some kayaking/fishing, biking, and napping.

One of our customers has said "Camping is great. Its like living like homeless people. You don't shower, don't shave. Its great!"

We had nothing to do, and all day to do it. I was glad to have a few nothing-going days.

Cookies over the fire? Why not. It gave her something to do.

The lake where we kayaked was deep and clear, but no swimming was allowed. It was quite warm, so we found a creek to splash in. I think it was probably spring-fed 'cuz it was pretty cold.

Hey look! Here's a water spigot! Who cares that we are already wet from the creek?

Last night after we got home, some of us went and watched the fireworks. The view was better from my perch.


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