This life has many choices, Eternity has two.

When the melody's been written,
And the words have all been penned
And you've heard the spirit calling,
Through some old sacred hymn.
In the valley of decision,
Tell me friend what will you do?
This life has many choices,
Eternity has two.
This world and all its pleasures,
Will soon be passed away.
The final invitation, 
Could be going out today.
You're standing at the crossroad,
And the Savior's calling you.
This life has many choices,
Eternity has two.
The straight and narrow way leads to life,
The broad way down below.
What would it profit, to gain the world,
And lose your very soul?
Tomorrow is uncertain,
Our days on earth are few
This life has many choices, Eternity has two.
This life has many choices, Eternity has two.

     We are NOT promised another year, month, or day; our next breath could be our last. The song poses a thought provoking statement.

This life has many choices,
Eternity has two.
 * * * * * * * * * * *

      Making choices or decisions are a part of our daily life. You chose what you put on this morning, what you ate for breakfast, and the choice to read this blog post. None of those things are wrong, they are just choices you made today.

      Some decisions can be done without much thought. (Like what you ate for breakfast.) A bigger decision might be planing your day, the coming week, or next Sunday lunch. These decisions don't really affect the rest of your life. 

     But, dear readers, there is a choice to make that concerns our final destiny. This decisions is much bigger and much more important than any Sunday lunch, because we might not be here to enjoy another Sunday lunch.

     Boom! A car wreak, a fall, or an illness can change life on earth to eternity.  Our time on earth can be over in less time then it takes to blink.

This world and all its pleasures,
Will soon be passed away.
The final invitation, 
Could be going out today.
You're standing at the crossroad,
And the Savior's calling you.
This life has many choices,
Eternity has two.

The next verse says:
The straight and narrow way leads to life,
The broad way down below.
What would it profit, to gain the world,
And lose your very soul?
Tomorrow is uncertain,
Our days on earth are few\
This life has many choices, Eternity has two.

Is there anything (or everything) on this earth worth more that Heaven? Folks, tomorrow is uncertain, and our days on earth are few. As you go about your day, remember, This life has many choices, Eternity has two.


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