Daily Life. . .

     The words "Thoughts, Adventures, & Daily Life of a Home-Schooled High-Schooler" are what greeted you when you opened my blog. I realized that I blog more about my thoughts and adventures than daily life, and I decided that I should try to include a little bit more of the everyday hum-drum.

     So, I intended to blog Wednesday. . . .and then Thursday. .  . and today it finally happened. 

I didn't feel like eating cereal, so I made eggs and toast.
     And then after that, I wrote a letter.

Don't you wish you knew who was getting a letter from me?

      After lunch, I pulled weeds from a flower bed. But I didn't take a picture, because who wants to see a bucket full of weeds?

      As I went about the rest of the non-blog-worthy-day, I didn't take anymore pictures, and the post never happened. The same thing happened on Thursday.

* * * * * * *

     Today, we are packing to leave for the cabin as soon as supper is over.

Collecting and loading everything that "just has to go along".



Have a great weekend!


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