From Society to the Dinner Table

In our society, gender distinction can be a real problem. We have guys that dress like girls, and girls that dress like guys. When you work/interact with lots of people, this can be a challenge because there are a number of names that are not even gender specific. 
Take note, gender distinction is not an issue in our  household.
 Here is an example from several weeks ago. . .

A few weeks ago, I instructed a child and its mother during an archery class. I said "a child and its mother", because I was not able to decide if Oscar* was a boy or a girl.

       When I first heard the names of the people in the class, I thought "Oscar and his mother. Hmm, this could make for an interesting class! I think this will be the first time we have a child and parent go through the class at the same time." 

     Oscar came to class in a bulky blue jacket, sweatpants, and pink camo muck boots. The child was around 9 years old, had shoulder length hair, and a face full of freckles.

"Um, I thought the child's name was Oscar. . . Is this a boy??? Wearing pink camo boots? Well, I do have a brother that puts on whatever goes on the easiest, but only if we are at home. . . and this is a business. . ."

     The thoughts penetrated one side of my brain, and then like a game of ping-pong, they sailed to the other side and asked the same questions again.

     "One thing for sure, this will definitely be an interesting class!"

      Just before the class was to supposed to start, Oscar's mother asked where the restrooms were located. I directed her towards our facilities, and then carefully noted which restroom Oscar chose. A few minutes later, Oscar emerged from the Men's Restroom and we started our class. I still was rather puzzled. Oscar sounded like a girl, and that hair and freckles didn't really add up to belonging to a boy. But yet Oscar chose the Men's Restroom. . .

     After the class was over, they decided to sign up for the longer, more in-depth class. And so I saw Oscar several more times, until they dropped out of the class. I never was able to fully determine if Oscar was a boy or a girl. 

*Name changed (although identity protection might not be needed!)

     Several weeks later, with the Oscar experience tucked away in my memory, an exclamation was heard.

     "Boy applesauce is just for boys! I have to eat the girl applesauce, and you have to eat the boy applesauce 'cuz you're a boy. Girl applesauce is just for girls, and no one else!" my perturbed little sister informed her older brother.

"Are you kidding me? Are they really out there in the kitchen arguing over which color of applesauce they have to eat?!?!" 

Yup, that was the argument.
The dispute-causing jars of applesauce.

    In-case you were wondering who won the applesauce debate, it was settled that boys are allowed to eat the pink applesauce if they choose, and the girls can enjoy the yellow applesauce if they get tired of eating the pink version! Because eating a certain color of food is not going to change the fact if you are a girl or a boy.
       In our messed up, sinful and confused society, where boys are allowed to dress like girls and vise-versa, there is no excuse for such behavior.

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
 Genesis 1:27
     If God created us in His image, that is pretty special 'cuz God loves us enough to use His own image to create each of us. He knew what each of us would look like, what our favorite food would be, and how many hairs we have on our heads.

     I really like a few of Buddy Davis' songs  God Loves You Just the Way that You Are,  We're Created in the Image of God and Genesis 1:27.


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