The Dread and Denial of being asked "The Question" ~ Part 3

Today it is my turn to give my answers and opinion on the questions that I asked everybody else in my survey.

Why does being asked our relationship status bother us so much? 

    Or maybe I should why does it bother me?

The answers to the other questions answer this one quite well. Please read on, don't get lost! 

Does society base our worth off our relationship status?

    I received such an overwhelming response of "absolutely", but I was also very glad to see that many of this type of response was followed up with "but it shouldn't be this way".

"Folks, the biggest concern I have about your relationship status, is that of your relationship with Jesus Christ."

If you feel happy and fulfilled as a single person, enjoy that stage of life!!! Because (and this is what other people have told me, as I can only view this from the single perspective) if you are not happy single, a physical relationship with another person is not going to be a "fix all" and make you happy. 


Do you feel your worth is based off relationship status? 

    Many people said that at one point in life it would have been an issue. 

People, lets get back to the fact. No matter what stage of life you are in, happiness and contentment is a choice.

And I'll be the first to admit, that was so much easier to type out than to live out  in real life:) 


I was going to continue with this post and end the thread with my very opinionated thoughts and comments, but it simply got too long. So guess what?!?! Part 4 is on the way!😉


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