The Dread and Denial of being asked, "The Question" ~ Part 2

I received some very interesting feedback over the last several weeks and I would like to thank each of you for participating in the survey!

Since writing and publishing Part 1, this subject has been pretty heavy on my mind. 

Today I'm just going to share some of the question replies. Part 3 is where I guess I'll dive into the wild unknown and try to explain my thoughts with the proper grammar and punctuation. 

The question I asked:

        Why did it bother you? Was it because the person asking was just being nosy, or was there a deeper reason you would care to share?

Just a few of the answers I received:

"It felt like being single wasn't good enough"

"Mostly because I kind of wanted a relationship but didn't have one"

"I was embarrassed"

"It made me feel like there was something wrong with me... like they thought me as a person simply as myself just didn't quite 'cut it'."

"Too many people were just being nosy"

"I thought that when they asked it meant that I SHOULD be in a relationship, even if I didn't have any desire to be"

Dear people! If these are some of the thoughts that cross your mind or throw you into a whirlwind of confusion, are you gonna think twice before you ask someone else about their relationship status????

The next question I asked:

        Do you feel that society has associated our worth as an individual based on our relationship status?

And the answers:

"Oh for sure! But I don't think it should be that way"

"In some situations"

"Society yes! Personally, I think there is a value to being single"

"Absolutely! Not only in our relationships but also in the way we can and can't feel about other people's relationships. I believe that society in general continues to try to define how we should live our lives when in all reality it is God and His Word that we should get our instruction from and not other opinions."

"Some parts of our society does base worth on relationship status. I think that others have reacted and are trying to prove independence"

Hmmm. Readers, think with me for a moment. If society judges our worth based on relationship status, is this why we have so many people (even as young as middle school) are trying to make a relationship happen or work? Could this be related to why there is such a lack of commitment or a high divorce rate? Or why so many are ok with staying in an abusive relationship without speaking up about the problem?

Now its time to drop a big fireball!

        Do you feel that your worth as an individual is defined by your relationship status?

"Sometimes. But in reality I know that its not"

"No, but many singles struggle with that"

"Oh the devil certainly tries to use that one against me." 

"When I was young, yes"

"Not in God's eyes but I do think that many people view worth by relationship status"

"Absolutely not. Our worth comes from the fact that we are loved by God and are special because He made us that way and in fact died for us 'cuz he loved us so much"

Wow! I wasn't sure what I would find when I opened the responses to this question. But I'm sure glad so many were on standby and ready to put that dumpster fire out!!

        And last but not least..... the other comments and thought-provoking questions I asked for:)

"Why is this a question that we as youth/young adults struggle with?"

"Why does it cause this type of reaction? Is there some deeper feelings/issues on your part?"

"I don't think we can really change the culture around us but we can choose how we will value people and how we take an interest in their lives"

"I believe all relationships of any kind must first align with God's word and if they do not the relationship is not worth having" 

Well, just those questions would give me a lot to write about for a while, if I choose to continue the topic thread!

ust being nosy


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