
      Sometimes it can be nearly dangerous to ask for suggestions or opinions. Take for instance: the cook needs suggestions on what to make for supper, she might get the response "Food!" or "something good". That is so very helpful. . . .

         But now [drum roll please] I'm looking for suggestions. I need to write a 5 page (double spaced) research paper as part of my English requirement this year.

      In previous years I have researched Pennsylvania History, Homelessness, and the Rohingya people from Myanmar.

You can leave your suggestion(s) in a comment below, or email them to me.


  1. The history of your town . . . a study of the life of a historical person who has inspired you . . . The History and Future of Anabaptist Conscientious Objectors . . . Musical Instruments

  2. The Solar System - Martina
    The Positives and Negatives of Digital Technology - Mom
    Archery Through the Ages - :)


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