Guest Post; My Little Sister Blogs - For the Day

Since my younger sister is constantly bugging me "When will you write another blog post. .  ." I suggested that she blog for the day and then decide why I only post when something interesting happens!
Building the dam.
My brothers are building a dam to try to dam up "the creek "(which is actually a drainage ditch beside our house) I think everything down there is"so far so good".

The dam is in the back round. They wanted the water to be high so they could float "boats"or go swimming.Doesn't it look like fun?   

...Younger brother fixes stairs for the doll house while younger sister looks on.  

                                                    ...Little brother plays catch. 


  1. I love the creativity. ~Grandma A

    1. Thank you. You are the first person to comment on my blog. Doesn't that make you feel special:)


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