A Story for the Day

        "Here, I'll give your fingers a kiss. All better now?" I asked the little boy in the front cart who had managed to somehow get his fingers pinched as we rolled up to the cashier. The front of the cart behind me ground relentlessly into my ankles, assuring me that my younger sister was still pushing the other cart along behind me.

         As I was untangling myself from the two carts, the toddler, forgetting his minor finger injury, started unloading the groceries that where residing with him in "his" cart. While unloading the cart was occupying for him, unfortunately he was trying to make the bill for the lady in front of us a little larger; simply by adding some of our groceries on her side of the conveyor belt divider.
       The cashier gave me a sympathetic look as I made a grab to save the eggs from their inevitable doom.

Why did I decide to come along grocery shopping today? I muttered as I inwardly groaned.

* * * * * * *

       First, as we walked into the store, the three children that came along decided they wanted to ride in the carts. And then of course they all want something to hold, preferably candy.

       As mom and I were discussing the virtues between buckwheat flour and coconut or rice flour, the semi-sweet baking chocolate chips become "steering wheels", and it was necessary for the eggs to be moved to a more convenient location.

       And so the saga continued all through L&L Market. Reaching out to feel the freezer doors in the frozen food section and exclaiming about how "brrr cold" they are. Sitting on big bags of shredded cheese, and then trying to be quiet, you tell a few of your family members (and hopefully no fellow shoppers) that your behind is now rather cold.

      Then the checkout chaos. After that, while I was unloading the groceries, the cart decided to let the brakes loose, and go rolling backwards into the middle of the parking lot.

* * * * * * * 

       Now, I will admit, a few details might have been exaggerated. But I was still glad to get home, even though a gallon of milk somehow got dropped between the garage and the kitchen.

       I needed something to laugh about, and so I'll share this joke with you:
What time is it when an elephant sits on your fence?

Its time to get a new fence.


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