Dog Dilemmas & Arm Issues

      Anyone that thinks having puppies in the middle of winter is no problem, I ask you to deeply consider what you are out to embark on. Think out all the outlandish possibilities of the work if could give you, or all the problems that having puppies could produce.

      Our dog will be having puppies next week. With the less-than-ideal temperatures, she has taken up residence in our garage. However, our garage houses much more than just our dog, and we thought it wise to confine her to a certain area of the garage.

     Then there is the problem of watching the clock, because it is very important to take her out for a potty and exercise time(the former more important than the later). We could keep her in the garage and only take her out for and exercise period, but we chose to take her out more often, as neither of us enjoy the job with the title of "Super-Duper Pooper Scooper".

     Because she is rather close to the house, she is getting a lot of attention from some of my younger siblings. If I were in her shoes (or maybe I should say paws), I might not enjoy all the attention that she gets. For example, a little person tattled to me that another sibling was attempting to milk her! Wait, I thought. Did she say milk her? I've never thought about milking a dog. I mean, really, trying to milk a dog?  

     And another time, somebody figured that dog food and water would make a lovely doggy dish.  Samantha (the dog)  seemed rather unimpressed, and I was in agreement with her as I cleaned up the mess.

Oh, and while we are talking about food & water dishes. . . 

    . . . on top of the soup mess, we discovered that both of her dishes were no longer watertight. Superglue couldn't caulk the hole, so a cut-off milk jug sufficed until another dish was purchased. Good thing Cole's Hardware is so close!

     You might be wondering how this all plays into having "Arm Issues". No worries, I'm getting to that subject.

    Samantha is so very pregnant, and she has slight problems moving into different positions. To say the least, she needs assistance getting out of the area we have confined her to. This means we must lift, carry, pick-up, perform what-ever-you-want-to-call-it acrobatics to get her out. 

Samantha, the main subject of this post (not a real recent pic. but one of the best I had)

     So this morning, when I was preforming my now Daily Doggy Assistance Duties, I managed to do something to my arm. This has created difficulties when it is necessary for me to lift or carry anything heavy with my right hand/arm.

Its not a huge injury, my arm is not immobile, I think I just bruised a muscle, so hopefully it will be better in a day or two.


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