A Snowy Sunday Afternoon. . .

         What are you to do during a snowstorm? 

I started a blog!  

     Now what was I going to write about? Oh yes, the snowstorm! Uh, well, what are you supposed to do during a snowstorm?

     Otherwise, the most obvious is to either play in the snow, or else watch others enjoy the fluffy white stuff.

     When I asked Google (yes, I'm willing to be classified as a google geek, but no one else around here was very willing to give their opinions) what to do during a snowstorm, it suggested activities such as cleaning, organizing, reading a good book, and drinking hot chocolate. While I was not too fond of the cleaning and organizing ideas, curling up in a fuzzy blanket with a good book sounded rather appealing to me.    
         At 8:00 this morning, the view from my window showed off lots of white, wet, winter weather. It sounded like several people had already pulled out the sleds for an early morning ride. We had a little Sunday School service (church was canceled), and then some went outside, while I opted to stay in a get lunch going. 

         Not knowing what else to do, we spent a good part of the afternoon playing games. One little girl was rather emphatic about playing ball tag, and was not dissuaded in recruiting me, after I declined numerous times. "Settlers of Catan" and "Ticket to Ride" were two of the most popular choices among the folks that weren't interested in running around to play ball tag. And of course, some went back outside to play in the snow.
The sorry pile of wet snow suits

         After a supper of COR (Clean Out Refrigerator), more games were played. I think I could have soon either sailed or else rode a train pretty far around the world, as many "miles" as I traveled today!  I think I could find a more enjoyable way to travel than in a sailboat on the lookout for pirates, or a train who's route is bound to get used by another traveler, but that is just my opinion.

         Until, something interesting happens. . .(Or I decide to write again!)


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