The Dread and Denial of being asked, "The Question" ~ Part 4 (my response)

Its now time for a few of the thought provoking questions I asked for months ago. . . .

Why does it [being asked your relationship status] cause you to react? Is there some deeper feelings/issues on your part?

Oh yikes, that one came suddenly! So folks, what is a reaction?

nounreactionplural nounreactions
  1. an action performed or a feeling experienced in response to a situation or event.

Reactions are often done on impulse, without putting much thought into it or considering what the end result may be.

But anyway, you didn't come here to read definitions from a dictionary.

Why does it cause us to react?

Does it make us feel the need to defend ourselves? Then if we have to defend ourselves, are we not content, or do we feel our value as a person is lower?

"Why is this a question that we as youth/young adults struggle with?"

I feel this goes back to how we see value as a single person. Or how others see our value. Facial expressions and tone of voice convey much of what somebody is saying inside their head. If the way they 'inquire' is done in a condescending manner, it is the natural human tendency to feel inferior, hence fueling a defensive reply.

"I don't think we really can change the culture around us but we can choose how we will value people and how we take an interest in their lives."

 Yes! I agree! You sound like a person who has dealt with this in the past and I appreciate your acceptance being willing to be "different" than the world around you.

Whether you are aware or not, people are watching you. Choose to value those around you, and take and interest in their lives. I know sometimes it can feel very draining to listen to someone's mundane parts of daily life, but being willing to listen makes someone feel important. And because you can never always see what is happening in someone's life, you may be one of the only people who helps them see value in living life.

And the last one:

"I believe all relationships of any kind must first align with God's word and if they do not the relationship is not worth having" 


I don't have any intentions of continuing the thread at this time, but I appreciate everyone tagging along!

And if you have another ideas of interesting or debatable topics you would like to see me dive into, you can email them to me at No promises I will actually do them, and if I do it may take half a year to get it out! 😉 

-- Have a great rest of the week  --


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