Laundry Adventures and the Laundromat

Its estimated that nearly 65% of the American population have made plans during the weekend. Some choose a relaxing weekend at home with friends, while others go on short getaways. but they usually return for the work week starting Monday morning. At least, they normally return. But I’ve never heard of a washer taking a weekend break and not coming back. But it was decided to. It’s giving us problems over the last couple weeks, but this week it down right refused to do laundry. And with 11 people living in our house, that became a problem very quickly. So today we Commenced on a Trip to the Laundromat. First came about the gathering of the clothes, followed by hauling baskets of said laundry out to the van and loading it up.
How many quarters will it take to do 14 loads?
And then we hauled all our now sopping wet laundry home to dry it in the well functioning dryer. It must’ve been the day for laundry calamities, because later when I came upstairs, the dress rack with many semi-damp dresses, was lying on the floor. I don’t know what happened but somehow this afternoon it decided it no longer wish to function as it should, and repeatedly dump this load on the floor. Of course the dress rack falling over disaster happened a mere 20 minutes before we needed to leave for prayer meeting. All the door frames upstairs remind me of the big cloths that hang from the roof of the car wash. They’re even damp! They say hindsight is 20/20, we could've just had the younger children run through them a few times instead of taking showers... But i guess then we would’ve had to do the laundry all over again.


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