
Showing posts from August, 2019

Girls Passion

Sorry for not posting this sooner! I've had it typed for several weeks and forgot to publish it. Enjoy! Passion Girls Camp was held the 3rd weekend in July. The trip down to Maryland went without anything super exciting happening (thankfully!), and we arrived around 4:15. After unloading our earthly belongings and parking our vehicles, we all checked in, turned over our keys and any time-telling devices, and stowed our luggage in the proper tents. Then it was time for supper, and our first session. There was 3 different speakers for the weekend.           As soon as the session was over, we headed out to start our first initiative. The initiative was called "the floor is lava". We had to get our entire group across a bunch of bandanas without anybody touching the ground, or else you had to start over. Once you stepped off a bandana, it couldn't be used again.         It took us until 4:00 in the mo...


      Sometimes it can be nearly dangerous to ask for suggestions or opinions. Take for instance: the cook needs suggestions on what to make for supper, she might get the response "Food!" or "something good". That is so very helpful. . . .          But now [drum roll please] I'm looking for suggestions. I need to write a 5 page (double spaced) research paper as part of my English requirement this year.       In previous years I have researched Pennsylvania History, Homelessness, and the Rohingya people from Myanmar. You can leave your suggestion(s) in a comment below, or email them to me.