A Random Idea

       Thursday evening I was driving home from helping with a mini Easter Service at Coffee Shop, and I had an idea for the dress that I was sewing.

        I enjoy trying different embellishments on the dresses that I sew. (Mom says its good to try and figure 'em out now while I have time.Then someday when my time is more crunched, I'll know how to do it easily and effectively.)
        My idea was a way to save a headache trying to conceal the serging in the middle of the flower by ironing the edge over earlier in the sewing process.  (If this doesn't make any sense, just keep following along. The pictures might help portray my idea better than my wording.)

I cutout my flower as usual, using a small dinner plate as my pattern.  I'm not good at cutting freehand shapes!

After serging the edges, I sewed a gathering stitch around the outside of the flower. . .

 . . .folded the edge with the gathering stitches over and ironed it. . .

. . . and then pulled my gathering stitches together.

I then added my button, ribbon, and safety pin. (because I like to take the flowers off instead of sending it through the washer)


Worked just like I wanted it too! Maybe all you that are reading this are just laughing as this thing I just discovered. Maybe I should have known how to do this before - maybe I am behind the times in the sewing world.

Anyway, Happy Saturday!


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