Life: The Adventure You Choose To Make It

Decided to post a draft that I had typed from this summer. I didn’t feel like posting it the time… so enjoy it now🤷‍♀️

Somebody made the comment to me recently that my life seems so glamorous and full of adventure. *cue a very shocked expression on my face.*

My life glamorous? Full of adventure? People, don’t think for a second that I find mountains of laundry, cleaning, and cooking very exciting. 

Quality of life depends so very much on your attitude towards whatever comes your way. And I’ll be honest, sometimes my attitude towards everyday, mundane life just stinks.




But if you need an idea for an every day adventure….

1) find at least 5 children under the age of 12 (the more the better😅)

2) a grandmother or another person dedicated solely to come along and photograph the adventure 

3) locate a pick-your-own orchard

4) a ton of patience and laughter

Let me warn you that you will have to inspect every single peach before it’s picked, (otherwise they will all be green or overripe) and that involves running from tree to tree as each child simply must pick from a separate tree than their siblings.

And during the time of inspection you may spend lots of time in between explaining why the peaches on the ground must stay there and not go into the baskets, nor be used as an object to be thrown at a particular person, or be stomped on “to feel them go squish”. 

Then you must get all children and peaches back to your vehicle and have the fun of trying to turn around a 2-wheel drive maxi-van on a very little and muddy field lane (WITHOUT GETTING STUCK!!!!). But I guess getting stuck would add to the adventure??? 🤷‍♀️

Oh and then when you get home you must proceed to wash, peel, slice & dice, and can all peaches. Don’t forget to do the dishes afterwards:)


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