An update through pictures. . .

In between the many calls at work today, I thought of my blog. I used to spew my opinions freely and frequently, but life got busy and I kinda forgot about this little platform. No big opinions or profound thoughts today - just an update on life through some photos. Strawberry season occupied nearly all my mental capacity for the month of June. We were blessed with a good year, but boy oh boy am I glad that strawberry season is not any longer than it is. Treated our strawberry pickers to ice cream one day. Martina helped me keep the shortcakes stocked - they definitely were a hit!! Ended June with summer Bible School. Our theme was aviation Planting strawberries for next year - we had some wonderful helpers and it went very well!! Low country boil with the Allgyers Several evenings spent with my family on the river A bridal shower Elissa's goat had a cute little kid Austin's sister Kayla got married and we were honored to be part of the bridal party A very fun day at Knoebels...