A look back…

2 years ago this week, I walked into a testing site to take my National Registry Exam. I was 17 and absolutely terrified. Due to c🦠vid, my class had ended prematurely and I didn’t feel very prepared for the test. That afternoon, I repeatedly checked the website and was shocked but very excited to see I had passed! I started out intending only to run with my local EMS agency as time allowed, but it wasn’t long before I realized I wanted to do it as a full time job. Just a few short weeks after my 18th birthday, I applied for a job as a transport EMT. I was hired to start the interfacility transport program for DH&L. I knew nothing about IFT, but spent a lot of time talking to different agencies and providers, gathering information as well as tips and tricks. When a 911 position became available in April, I passed the transport program onto a newer hire and began the 24on/72off schedule that I’m still doing at this present time. It’s not always fun and glamoro...