The "Missing" Brain

*** I have tried to keep the story as real as possible, but please note that all names, places, and times have been changed in compliance with HIPPA regulations. *** "Hey, what's this?" I asked my EMS partner as a small weighted paper dropped out of my certification file and fell gently to the floor. With a distinct "ka-thunk" I set the file I had been sorting on the desk and grabbed the wayward paper. "Oh, it's my TPA award!" I said, slightly surprised. "I was wondering where this brain had gotten to. It's been missing for several months." "Missing for several months? No wonder the last while has been quite busy!!!" my partner exclaimed, not willing to miss a golden opportunity for a joke. It was true, the month of December especially was much busier than in years prior. As a volunteer, I had run 20 calls around the schedules of the paid staff, mainly in the evenings or during the night. Setting the certi...