Deweedle, deweedle! Beep, beep-beeeep!

Several weeks ago I was asked to do a presentation on basic First Aid during our annual homeschool Fire Prevention event. I complied and gave some basic tips on First Aid. Managing a bleed, giving support for a broken limb, and, because it was fire prevention: how to treat a burn. One of the moms snapped this photo and later sent it to me. Many children were fascinated by all the tools I have on my uniform. I explained that my stethoscope is used on every call to take blood pressures or listen to lung sounds. On my belt, I have my trauma shears and pager. The battery on my pager will last about 3 days before I need to put it on the charger. Once on the charger, it will reach fully charged in less than 20min. My wristwatch is also used to take vitals; counting a pulse and how many breaths a patient is taking in a minute. In my calf pocket I have several pens, a flashlight, and di...