The Quest for the Mice

I think a lot of folks can identify with having mice in outer-lying structures, such as our shed. I had been noticing when ever I went in and rocked the mower, or stepped on the scattered bale of hay that little, gray, 4-legged creatures would go scurrying off in the other direction. We set a few traps, but to no avail. The mice continued to take up residence. Things finally came to a head when [censored] caught a mouse and declared she was going to keep it for a pet. "How on earth did you manage to catch it," we asked. "Oh, I just got it from in the shed," she declared. Well, that got mom moving. "If we have too many mice that you can just go and 'catch them', something needs to be done." The pet mouse, that is no longer living. And so, they got to work cleaning out the shed. I was cleaning up...